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Victory is imminent in Iraq

EsaJii kirjoitti noin 19 vuotta sitten (4 kommenttia)
Washington, D.C. -- President Bush is all fired up for his speech on the VICTORY in Iraq tonight. He has really been getting into his speeches for the past month, essentially the same speech slightly reworded by speech writers. The message is that PEACE, PROSPERITY and VICTORY over terrorism can be reached in Iraq. The president is showing no pessismism or boredom about the subject matter. He is going to conquer this as he did his own alcoholism. Supporters with signs have been recruited to occupy the front row.

Asked about Mr. Bush's victory plans, Hassan Hussein, 39, of Baghdad stated that "many have invaded us through the centuries, claiming victory. They are all gone from here, but we remain."

Income tax unconstitutional!

Washington, D.C. – Encouraged by White House staff members, a lobby group has brought a law-suit against the federal government for illegally collecting income tax. This country was born out of a tax revolt, and the Tea Party Lobby has successfully argued the case in court. The Supreme Court, with two new Bush appointees, agreed.

President Bush has urged the public to continue paying taxes, voluntarily, to fund his War Against Terrorism. The suggested tax tables are available for the public, but no tables are actually needed. The guidelines suggest no deductions and a flat tax of 15% for everybody. Those earning over 2 million dollars a year may pay 10% and send 5% directly to a faith based charity organization. Those complying with the guidelines are given educational and other opportunities. Federally funded tax based operations such as Social Security are hereby terminated.

Copyright E Järvi 2005

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    Prodigal kirjoitti noin 19 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Tota eli siis mistäköhän on kyse tarkalleen? Mitäs siellä nyt juonitellaan?

    EsaJii kirjoitti noin 19 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Maa ykistyistetään. Kaikki liittovaltion harjoittama palvelujen tuotto siirretään alihankkijoille ja palveluntuottajille.

    Doc.B.D kirjoitti noin 19 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Tämä oli sitä lib...lib.. ei tule sana mieleen. Toteuttakaa se nyt me mikro-govermentti.

    Siskon miehen veli tekee U.S.A:ssa kuolemaa maksasyöpään. Se tienaa varmaa enemmän kuin kaikki Sokrulaiset yhteensä, vakuutukset on kunnossa, mutta silti sairaalamaksut meinaa viedä avomersut pihalta. Edes ylempi yläluokka ei tule pärjäämään tuossa yhteiskunnassa, jos elämä ei mene sen mukaan mitä itse on suunnitellut.

    Doc.B.D kirjoitti noin 19 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Toteuttakaa se nyt me mikro-govermentti.

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