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YYZ part 2

EsaJii kirjoitti noin 16 vuotta sitten (2 kommenttia)
Here are some pictures of YYZ, and the plane I took there form the US.

the coffee place, and my coffee
small, but better than Starbucks for plain coffee

there seem to be 500 numbered gates

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    Lerxst kirjoitti noin 16 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Quite familiar with this airport. Been there a few times. Tim Horton's sucks just as much as Starbucks. That is not coffee what they sell in North-America.

    EsaJii kirjoitti noin 16 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    OK, but there is coffee and then there is really bad cooffe, also known as Folgers. I get it free at work.

    Tim Hortons was at least fresh.