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Allan Holdsworth

Jimi kirjoitti noin 9 vuotta sitten (12 kommenttia)
Viime yönä tuli sitten nähtyä Allan Holdsworthin trio live-striiminä. Tekninen toteutus jätti paljon toivomisen varaa, varsinkin kuvan suhteen. Kaukana oltiin HD-kuvasta. Jopa niin kaukana, ettei edes SD-tasolle päästy. Koko homma kuvattiin yhdellä kameralla (Nokian Lumia -puhelin? Ei, koska Lumia olisi suoriutunut hommasta paremmin.), joka oli monien mielestä asetettu väärään kulmaan, basisti Jimmy Haslipin eteen. Tapahtuman chatissä moni pyysi hieman pannausta ja zoomailua. Tätä ei onneksi kuitenkaan tehty, sillä se olisi vain pahentanut asiaa. Ääni korjaantui aloitusbiisin aikana varsin hyväksi, vaikka cd-taso jäi sekin saavuttamatta. Siirtyminen muovisita tietsikkakajareista Kossin Porta Pro -kuulokkeisiin sai Haslipin basson murisemaan mukavasti. Paikoin äänessä esiintyi hieman liikaa säröä.

Teknisistä puutteista huolimatta itse esitys oli varsin mainio. Holdsworthin soitto oli tyypillisen vähäeleistä mutta tehokasta. Ilmeisesti tarkoituksella hieman taka-alalle jäänyt mestari antoi soittokumppaneilleen runsaasti tilaa. Tämän tilan rumpali Virgil Donati täytti ääriään myöten, joka ei miellyttänyt ihan kaikkia, mutta minusta homma toimi hienosti. Tuttuihin biiseihin tuli erilaista eloa. Chatissa muutama ihmetteli, miksi Donati ei soita Dream Theaterissa? Oikea vastauskin saatiin; koska hän on aivan liian hyvä rumpali ko. bändiin. Jimmy Haslip oli kuitenkin se, joka yllätti eniten. Hyväksi basistiksi olen hänet aina mieltänyt, mutta viime yön jälkeen hän on hyvinkin yksi parhaista basisteista, jonka kanssa Holdsworth on omissa projekteissaan soittanut.

Biisilista oli aika varman päälle rakennettu. Fredillä aloitettiin ja encore Letters of Marquella lopettettiin. Väliin mahtui mm. Devil Take the Hindmost, Red Alert, Proto Cosmos, Mr. Spock ja Water on the Brain. Tony Williamsin Lifetime -levy oli siis hyvin edustettuna. Kyllä tämä oli valvomisen ja $9 arvoinen tapahtuma.

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    retrou kirjoitti noin 9 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Ääni korjaantui aloitusbiisin aikana varsin hyväksi, vaikka cd-taso jäi sekin saavuttamatta. Siirtyminen muovisita tietsikkakajareista Kossin Porta Pro -kuulokkeisiin

    Saaneeko noilla välineillä eroa cd-laadun ja lossyn välille tahi hyötyä siitä mahdollisesta erosta? No varmaan ainakin muovitietsikkakajareilla menee läpi mikä vaan. ;)

    Jimi kirjoitti noin 9 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Latasin tuon keikan ja kuuntelen juuri audioraitaa hifi-laitteiston läpi. Vaikuttaa siltä, että audioketjun muut ongelmat peittävät alleen mahdolliset pakkauksesta johtuvat häiriöt. Ihan ok-tasoa tämä on, vaikka parempia bootleg-äänityksiä löytyykin pilvin pimein.

    Kcrimso kirjoitti noin 9 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Eipä kyllä tekisi noilla spekseillä mieli maksaa stream-keikasta. Pakko myöntää että konsepti ei muutenkaan erityisesti kutkuta.

    Jimi kirjoitti noin 9 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Kieltämättä odotukset olivat korkeammalla. Hieman jäi amatöörimäinen vaikutelma koko touhusta. Minä kyllä voisin noita striimikeikkoja katsoa, jos vain tekninen toteutus olisi kohdallaan.

    Jimi kirjoitti noin 8 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0

    Jimi kirjoitti noin 8 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Mestari täytti pyöreitä, eli tänään tuli 70 mittariin.

    Miehen Pledge Music -projekti sai hieman nolon lopun*, kun vuoden odottelun jälkeen luvatun musiikin sijaan saatiin nippu arkistomateriaalia, josta suurin osa Road Games -sessioiden outtakeja ja vaihtoehtomiksauksia. Mielenkiintoisin biisi oli The Abingdon Chasp kokoonpanolla AH, Bill Bruford, Francis Mose (bs), Jeff Young (kb) ja Ray Warliegh (alto sax). Valitettavasti kiireellä hutaistut liner notesit eivät kerro, koska tuo on äänitetty. Itse arvelisin, että ennen Brufordin One of a Kind -version äänitystä. Projektin paras biisi oli kuitenkin Jimmy Johnsonin ja Virgil Donatin kanssa soitettu Earth, joka oli ainoa alkuperäistä ideaa vastaava biisi.

    *Oikeastaan projekti oli aika nolo alusta loppuun, kun vuoden ajan saatiin tilannepäivityksiä, joissa luvattiin uutta musiikkia seuraavaksi viikoksi. Tämä ei sitten toteutunutkaan, vaan musiikin sijaan saatiin selityksiä ja uusia lupauksia.

    Kcrimso kirjoitti noin 8 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Näin asiaa selitteli itse Holdsworth:

    Greetings everyone. So very sorry for the huge delay.
    I had to change plans, what I wanted to do and what I ended
    up doing were/are two very different things. I hope you won?t
    be disappointed by this.

    What I wanted to do was give you guys some old tracks with
    new solos. At the same time, I was trying to work on our new
    recordings and trying to balance them both was very difficult
    for me.

    I do not work well at all under pressure. In fact, the harder I
    am pushed the more I put my foot on the brakes. If I get
    pushed really hard I tend to just Stop.

    I do not think that I have ever delivered (solo records) a single
    record on time. But it didn't matter then because no one
    (besides the record company, if there was one) payed for
    anything before it was delivered so therefore it wasn't so much
    pressure. When the record came out then the fans could buy it
    and there it was in their hands?. Done Deal. But the Pledge
    thing became awkward for me because people payed in
    advance for something that may take a long time, a pressure I
    am not used to at all.

    So I changed gears and decided to research really old tapes
    that were in my possession. My good friend and engineer
    Robert Fiest came to my house and I gave him a collection of 2-
    inch and 1/2 inch masters. He kindly took them and had to
    bake them, a long, expensive process, and then transfer them
    to his computer. Which he did successfully. Then he sent me
    the files to review what we had.

    These are some of the tracks we found. There are also 2 new
    tracks, New Dawn and Poochini.

    New Dawn was written by my old friend Pat Smythe. We used
    to play it with Pat's quartet in the early 70s. This version I
    played the chords on the Synthaxe. The solo I played on the
    Starr Z board. A very interesting machine. I used the same
    instrument on Chad Wackerman's last record "Dreams
    Nightmares and Improvisations ? (A New Day and The
    Billows). I haven't quite got the hang of it yet but it pushes me
    in different directions which I like.

    Water on the Brain with Paul Williams was supposed to be on
    the old IOU record? but the tape was stolen and was
    recovered AFTER the original album was done. So here that
    one is! Gary Husband, dms, Paul Carmichael, bs, Paul
    Williams voc. AH gtr.

    The Abingdon Chasp with Bill Bruford drs Francis Mose bs-
    (Gong) Jeff Young kbrds Ray Warliegh alto sax and me. I don't
    like listening to my old stuff. It sounds so lame to me but the
    other guys sound great! Ray Warliegh was a dear friend of
    mine. He was an amazing super melodic player?. Miss him.
    The Road Games Cluster*&^%$%^&*

    When I was on the road with UK I met Edward Van Halen. A
    wonderful generous soul to say nothing of his amazing
    talent!!!!! He was instrumental in getting me hooked up with
    Warner Brothers. The issues I had with WB had nothing to do
    with Edward. He is a jewel.

    After I was signed by WB under the wings of Ted Templeman
    (a fabulous producer) however, I realized that?s when my
    troubles began. In fact, they signed me but had no real
    intention of letting me do what I wanted to do. They had
    another agenda.

    First they wanted to change my band personnel. I was in hell,
    my band mates were also my close friends and WB wanted to
    mess with it. Anyway, we started recording at "The Music
    Grinder" which was run by Gary Skardina and Ron Felicia,
    very cool people but then Ted (TT) decided that he didn't want
    me to use that studio and told me we had to move to a WB
    studio called "Amigo". Then the shit hit the fan. Ted told me I
    couldn't use my engineer and that I had to use an engineer he
    liked, directly working with Ted not me!

    We were starting to mix and then we had to stop because Ted
    said there was another "FAMOUS" band in one of the other
    rooms that was having problems with the 2-inch tape machine
    they were using. THIS IS WB so rather than rent another 2-
    inch they decided to steal our machine. %^&*()(*&^%$%^&*
    Then transfer all our 2-inch tapes to a 3M Digital
    machine. Quite possibly a pioneering digital machine but it
    sounded horrendous. (In my opinion.) That?s when I threw up
    my hands and basically gave up.

    All the tracks labelled Outtakes are in fact all outtakes from
    the "Music Grinder" featuring Joe Turano, a fabulous singer in
    my opinion. TT would usually listen to mixes over the phone
    and make decisions as to approval or disapproval? usually the

    These 2-track rough mixes were sent to Ted for his decision as
    to yes or no. It was NO.

    Note: Jeff Berlin's amazing solo is well evident here.
    I had forgotten about these tracks but once I heard Joe again I
    thought you guys should check him out. (Certain things, like
    bits of guitar solos were either muted at the time or not done
    yet, as they were 2 track mixes, I obviously couldn?t put them

    Although these were rough mixes it just goes to show how
    much sonic destruction happened as a direct result of TT?s
    decision to transfer to the 3M machine.

    The Mark Pinski mixes: (Mastered by Robert Fiest for Pledge)
    During this time, I met Frank Zappa, who was very kind to
    me. I told him my story about the WB problems (I don't think
    he was a fan of WB either) and he very generously offered to
    let me use his amazing studio. He said go get a couple of 24
    track tapes from WB which I did. I had to sneak them out as
    they were vaulted but I managed to get a couple of reels out.
    I took them over to Frank's house and he introduced me to his
    engineer Mark Pinski. He mixed 3 tracks in one evening. His
    mixes also showed the destruction that the transfer to the 3M
    machine at Amigo caused. However, we ended up not using
    them as Ted Templeman would not allow it.

    Anyway, Mark?s mixes were excellent but very bright, so when
    I heard them again from the 2-track masters we knocked off
    some of the high end. That?s what you have!

    Poochini. (Nickname) is a little short dedication to my
    Daughter Louise's hound, Daisy. She was the most beautiful
    sweetest hound. She was a Pit Bull mix, part Dalmatian. We
    miss her.

    Once again I apologize for the huge delay and thank you all so
    VERY much for your patience and incredible support. It has
    truly meant a lot to me!!

    Yours Sincerely, Allan.

    Jimi kirjoitti noin 8 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Joo. Nuo olivat ne "liner notesit" jotka tulivat PDF:nä musiikin mukana.

    Jimi kirjoitti noin 8 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Pledge-tarina sai jatkoa:

    Jimi kirjoitti noin 8 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Gary Husbandilla on asiaa:

    Kcrimso kirjoitti noin 8 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Holdsworthilla ei ole tainnut olla piiiiitkään aikaan kaikki muumit laaksossa.

    Jimi kirjoitti noin 8 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Tainnut olla nuoresta pitäen aika hankala tapaus, ja pahentunut entisestään vanhetessaan.