Wigwam and related efforts
EsaJii kirjoitti noin 18 vuotta sitten (42 kommenttia)
I have not fully gotten to the mp3 stuff yet, all my iTunes tracks are from CD not downloads
But there are some downloads from Mikko Rintanen where Pembroke does some rapping on Faustburger
anybody check these out_
But there are some downloads from Mikko Rintanen where Pembroke does some rapping on Faustburger
anybody check these out_
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Jukka's organ slowly coming back together
this was his Lowrey 2, the first was destroyed in a car crash. Read Mikko's book.
Pohjola has a gig to play some comedy music
It was the NMKY video
Wigwam - Kite
Mine gave an error message with 3 or 4 check marks. Click the highlighted line below that and it will play with errors or minor problems only.
sorry, that was me
poking around the yle archives, found clips of Ruisrock 1970 and 1971
Jussi Kinnunen of Hassisen Kone fame had a couple of times he played with Pembroke or Wigwam. He was on bass less than a year recently.
A few new Youtube videos have appeared.
the bassist, Mats, tends to play back to audience!
A few new Youtube videos have appeared.
the bassist, Mats, tends to play back to audience!
the bassist, Mats, tends to play back to audience!
I saw them in Lappenranta and I could count on one hand how many times he gazed at the audience. Hulden is the coolest.
Pekka Pohjola
Menipä kerran ohi ainutlaatuinen tilaisuus ostaa tuo Rekun J. Vartiaisen tekemä Sandwich kitara. Hinta oli turhan korkea. Helvetin hyvä luuttu. Hyvä ystävä on hankkinut noita Wigu muusikoiden vanhoja keppejä itselleen ja on Måssen tuttavia. Joku Mossen vanha basso sillä nytkin kunnia paikalla seinällä roikkuu. Hiukka harmittaa vieläkin tuo etten tota skebaa kyennyt hankkimaan itselleni. Soitin sillä kuitenkin useaan otteeseen.
Alempana kitaran erikoisesta rakenteesta tekijän piirustukset.
The above is a mention of some sale of Wigwam and Rekku instruments. The guitar is made of two layers, apparently.
Etsimme tietoja Jimin pianonsoittotaidoista.
we are looking for when Jim first played piano on recordings, he started sitting behind a piano in 1970, though you could never hear the piano. Only fleetingly on Live Music from the Twilight Zone.
I just listed Hard 'n Horny as a title. The contraction n' is unknown, as in the album title. The known contractions of and are 'n and 'n'.
Onkos kellään Rekun uutta sooloa?
Progeyössä soi yksi Maikki Liuskin laulama biisi ja se kuulosti tosi hyvältä. Nouseekohan loput albumista läheskään samalle tasolle?
Onkos kellään Rekun uutta sooloa?
Progeyössä soi yksi Maikki Liuskin laulama biisi ja se kuulosti tosi hyvältä. Nouseekohan loput albumista läheskään samalle tasolle?
Progeyössä soi yksi Maikki Liuskin laulama biisi ja se kuulosti tosi hyvältä. Nouseekohan loput albumista läheskään samalle tasolle?
Sorry PeeHoo, but I don't understand this...
Sorry! ;) (No, laitetaanpas tämä tänne vaikka onkin kielimiesten osio... Olen kuunnellut Rekun sooloa paljon ja mielestäni se on hyvä. Liuskin laulu sopii biiseihin loistavasti ja levy on tasaisen miellyttävä. Suosittelen.)
Onkos kellään Rekun uutta sooloa?
Progeyössä soi yksi Maikki Liuskin laulama biisi ja se kuulosti tosi hyvältä. Nouseekohan loput albumista läheskään samalle tasolle?
Progeyössä soi yksi Maikki Liuskin laulama biisi ja se kuulosti tosi hyvältä. Nouseekohan loput albumista läheskään samalle tasolle?
Kuulin sitä sattumalta juhannuksena. Ihan ok mutta ei paljoa jäänyt mieleen. Selvinpäin tuli kyllä kuunneltua.
Jukka plays in a store
Pekka Pohjola Obituary, Helsingin Sanomat this week
Pekka Pohjola, 1952-2008
Pekka Pohjola, widely regarded as the finest bass guitarist ever to come out of Finland, has died at the age of 56. His death was announced on Thursday on the online service of the Finnish Broadcasting Company, YLE.
Pohjola, who was also a composer of some repute, was among the best known of Finnish artists on the international music scene, a true "musicians' musician".
Pohjola's musical output took influences from jazz, rock, folk music and traditional hymns. He initially studied classical music at the Sibelius Academy (piano & violin, and he came close to winning the Finnish nationals on the latter instrument), but switched over to rock, choosing the electric bass allegedly inspired by the example of The Beatles.
He began his professional career with Eero, Jussi and The Boys, and then moved to the highly influential Finnish progressive rock outfit Wigwam.
A solo career then followed, with a number of albums in a jazz fusion style somewhat reminiscent of the late Frank Zappa.
Always in demand as a session musician, Pohjola also toured with Tubular Bells composer Mike Oldfield in 1978.
He had come to the attention of the British music business slightly earlier, and two of his solo albums were released on the Virgin label at that time. Zappa, too, is said to have offered Pohjola a seat in his studio band at one stage.
Pekka Pohjola was born into a hugely musical family, with choirmaster Ensti Pohjola for a father and Erkki Pohjola, a well-known music pedagogue and long-serving conductor of the Tapiola Choir as his uncle.
His cousin is Sakari Oramo, the former Music Director of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and current Chief Conductor of the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic.
Pekka's name is carried forward by two sons who have also gone into making music - Verneri (trumpet) and Ilmari (trombone) are both prominent Finnish jazz musicians, and they played alongside their father at the 2004 Pori Jazz Festival.
He also leaves to posterity a legacy of numerous excellent albums, most recently Views from 2001.
Pekka Pohjola, widely regarded as the finest bass guitarist ever to come out of Finland, has died at the age of 56. His death was announced on Thursday on the online service of the Finnish Broadcasting Company, YLE.
Pohjola, who was also a composer of some repute, was among the best known of Finnish artists on the international music scene, a true "musicians' musician".
Pohjola's musical output took influences from jazz, rock, folk music and traditional hymns. He initially studied classical music at the Sibelius Academy (piano & violin, and he came close to winning the Finnish nationals on the latter instrument), but switched over to rock, choosing the electric bass allegedly inspired by the example of The Beatles.
He began his professional career with Eero, Jussi and The Boys, and then moved to the highly influential Finnish progressive rock outfit Wigwam.
A solo career then followed, with a number of albums in a jazz fusion style somewhat reminiscent of the late Frank Zappa.
Always in demand as a session musician, Pohjola also toured with Tubular Bells composer Mike Oldfield in 1978.
He had come to the attention of the British music business slightly earlier, and two of his solo albums were released on the Virgin label at that time. Zappa, too, is said to have offered Pohjola a seat in his studio band at one stage.
Pekka Pohjola was born into a hugely musical family, with choirmaster Ensti Pohjola for a father and Erkki Pohjola, a well-known music pedagogue and long-serving conductor of the Tapiola Choir as his uncle.
His cousin is Sakari Oramo, the former Music Director of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and current Chief Conductor of the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic.
Pekka's name is carried forward by two sons who have also gone into making music - Verneri (trumpet) and Ilmari (trombone) are both prominent Finnish jazz musicians, and they played alongside their father at the 2004 Pori Jazz Festival.
He also leaves to posterity a legacy of numerous excellent albums, most recently Views from 2001.
Wigwam ja Seija Simola vuosimallia -69!
Cool. But we are doing the thread in English. ;)
Lyrics to Sandpainting, [ ] has some missing words
[ ] paikassa puuttuu sana tai sanoja
She seemed to be like an Indian princess/ Arizona sound/ never had a painted piece/ to buy no evening gown/ but when she wanted/ she could turn it on/ flashing buck skin smile/ she could get the slowest hand in town/ ride a crooked country mile/ ah, mystery/ she probably thinks that/ everybody loves her madly/ I went down to the Hide Away Bar/ kind of felt she was right on Saturday / movie moguls they dropped their cigars/ in the swimming pool/ all the jaws were hitting the floor/ when she walked by so good/ if youre ever that last lonely cowboy/ on the bus tour at the end/ and the bar keep has a place/ he needs to go/ dont you really really feel like crying/ tears they flow/ as you hold those/ last trembling quarters/ price of maybe not staying [ ]/ you get that last shot of rye in/ make for the telephone/ honey what Ill tell you/ I know its been a bare faced crime/ Im quitting my low down ways/ I really mean it this time/ a man can find himself in Jericho/ pocket full of dollars on the trail / senoritas and poker help him run out of gold/ you have to try and sandpaint them babe/ so there I was walking down the street/ Saturday back in town/ found myself at the Hide Away bar/ when in she walks in an evening gown
Thanks, EsaJii. Here's an amended version of the above, just what I hear:
She seemed to be like an Indian princess / Arizona sound / Never had a penny piece / to buy no evening gown / But when she wanted she could turn it on / flashing buckskin smile / She could get the slowest hand in town / to ride a crooked country mile / Ah, Miss Terree, she probably thinks that / everybody loves her badly / I went down to the Hideaway Bar/ Kind of felt she was right, sadly / Movie moguls they drop their cigars / in the swimming pool / All their jaws were hitting the floor / when she walked by so cool / And if youre ever that last lonely cowboy / on the barstool at the end / and the barkeep has a place he needs to go / dont you really really feel like crying / Tears they flow / As you hold those last trembling quarters / the price of maybe not staying alone / you get that last shot of rye in / make for the telephone / "Honey, I wanna tell you / I know its been a barefaced crime / But Im quitting my lowdown ways / I really mean it this time" / A man can find himself in Jericho / Pocketful of dollars on the trail / Senoritas and poker help him run out of gold / You have to try and sandpaint the bail / So there I was, walking down the street / Third day back in town / Found myself at the Hideaway Bar / when in she walks in an evening gown... Sandpainting... In her evening gown.
OK, it is shaping up now. Back in the days of Love Records they used to publish some sheet music with the lyrics by Jim. Also the Wigwam Plays Wigwam booklet has been a great help.
The relationship of the singer and the woman starring in the song remains elusive, as in many songs. At least the song looks pretty complete, this one has plenty of lyrics. Some of Jim's songs cut off in the end rather abruptly.
I collected some Pembroke tracks. I put together his solo work with some of the last two Wigwam studio albums. The Pembroke driven cuts like Tokyo Joe seem to work better for me this way. Also, I never quite got used to listening to Some Several Moons all at once. Some of the longer cuts do not work that well.
The previous Wigwam studio album had OK longer cuts. A bit overblown, true to progressive arrangements, not poor though. And I liked Kotilainen on that album, Bite Size etc, now he is hidden on "Moons".
My car plays mp3 CDs...I do not always have th iPod there..so I collected Wigwam albums. CD I was up to Twilight, CD II from Nuclean Nightclub on.
I got a better flow to the albums by putting Being before Fairyport. Rave Up goes right to the first Twilight track, continuing the live feel.
CD III is planned, but will require more typing as the program does not recognize these tracks.
Sain onnekas tänään Wigujen Hyde Park keikan (30.8.1975) taltioinnin. 8 biisiä. Miksaajan nauhoittama eli soundit kohdillaan. Tunnelma välittyy. Tunnelma katossa täälläkin.
Kun vielä saat Uninspired Noodling in G, taitaa olla Tanskan keikalta, alkaa olla kokoelma koossa.
I also have a 90s gig from Oulu, but the audience noise is intolerable.
The quality varies quite a bit, Hyde Park is among the best. Despite it being part of the unsuccessful world tour.
Resineye Barkear
this is the title of a 75 dollar CD, used, on eBay
seems to be Pihkasilmä kaarnakorva!
The last recordings of Pohjola as bassist
Some sort of a gas station..huoltoasema.. version of Wigwam has come out. It has these songs.
Wigwam: Parhaat (Uusi kokoelma-cd):
1. Luulosairas
2. Frederik & Bill
3. The Big Farewell
4. Freddie Are You Ready
5. Tombstone Valentine
6. Cheap Evening Return
7. Nuclear Nightclub
8. Helsinki Nights
9. Marvelry Skimmer (Friend from the Fields)
10. Losing Hold
It is in a series where all albums have 10 tracks.
Not a really interesting selection. But at least it has one song with Jukka singing and another with Jukka also in a lead, Losing Hold.
When you take out tracks out of Nuclear Nighclub and put them on the same disc with older stuff, you can compare recorded sound quality. I for one liked the mid 70s tecnology.
The latter Wigwam, even the last two wstudio albums suffer from all this compression and other useless processing. A clean sound is a clean sound. I think I would prefer as much of a "real" sound as possible, acoustic instrument direct to microphone. The new stuff sounds like processed cheese tastes.
Not that the MUSIC of the 70s albums was better. Some of it is pretty dated, not really appealing to fans who came on board in the 90s.
Strange that 'Eddie And The Boys' was not included. I though it was some sort of "favourite".
Kappas! Pitää käydä huoltsikalla...
Ne vois itte julkaista vaik jonkun livejutun taas...
Oliskohan niillä esmes se Tavan 35-vuotis-juhlakeikka äänitettynä?
I do not expect much any old or new material to be released. YLE has the best live recordings as far as I know. There is even video, but none of Pekka.
Hmm, epäilen että 35 vuotiskeikka on kovinkaan ihmellinen edes parhaimmassa äänityksessä. Mutta on siellä niitä vanhoja biisejä kuten Must Be THe Devil. Mulla on kyllä koko keikka.
I found out there is a rap group with the name Do or Die. Google also offered Papa Roach lyrics. The expression is about 100 years old
   /ˈduərˈdaɪ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [doo-er-dahy] Show IPA
1. reflecting or characterized by an irrevocable decision to succeed at all costs; desperate; all-out: a do-or-die attempt to halt the invaders.
2. involving a potentially fatal crisis or crucial emergency.
We are haveing some trouble with one line of Kabul Grill
Yes, I went down to the Kabul Grill
It was not as pretty sight
Burgers on the floor, lurkers [or burgers?]by the door
_________ freedom having a fight
Claes Johansen has pulled together the Titans Wheel lyrics. The record company left out some punctuation, the song writers do not usually use such things. So maybe it is Titans' Wheel or Titan's Wheel more correctly.
Current standings of Wigwam albums at Palasokeri
1. Wigwam : Being (72 kuuntelukertaa)
2. Wigwam : Nuclear Nightclub (64 kuuntelukertaa)
3. Wigwam : Lucky Golden Stripes And Starpose (52 kuuntelukertaa)
4. Wigwam : Fairyport (48 kuuntelukertaa)
5. Wigwam : Hard N' Horny (35 kuuntelukertaa)
6. Wigwam : Tombstone Valentine (33 kuuntelukertaa)
7. Wigwam : Dark Album (29 kuuntelukertaa)
8. Wigwam : Fresh Garbage (28 kuuntelukertaa)
9. Wigwam : Wigwam Plays Wigwam (24 kuuntelukertaa)
10. Wigwam : Live music from the Twilight Zone (17 kuuntelukertaa)
11. Wigwam : Titans Wheel (12 kuuntelukertaa)
12. Wigwam : Some Several Moons (9 kuuntelukertaa)
13. Wigwam : Light Ages (8 kuuntelukertaa)
Save mi money and name. Tribute in Kuopio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXrByLzMj6Q
Heeh! What a lovely Wigu song. Trouble at Kabul Grill.
Nyt kun tuli puheeks niin läväytän Bitesize soimaan ja lujaa.
No-one ever heard this nice little 90´s psychdelic band from Minneapolis called Tombstone Valentine? They made atleast one album called Hidden Worlds. It sounded atleast partly like Krautrock. They also jammed with some other local musicians in an album called In Summer of the Mushroom Honey, which contains over 70mins agitation-free-like psychdelic kraut. A truely gem!
Anyway, can an American invent a bandname like Tombstone Valentine without knowing Wigwam?
What do all those levers do that Pedro is pulling at 4 min?