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EsaJii kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten (12 kommenttia)
We unbelievers are not much into reading the Bible, but other fantasy seems to be OK. I started a short blog on the topic. It may not end up with more than 5 entries.

This reality is so boring, atheists are frequently found creating fanstasy.

Terry Pratchett
Douglas Adams
Kurt Vonnegut

As long as we KNOW it is fantasy and we enjoy it as culture and entertainment, we are OK with it.

+/- saldo : 0 |

    Jammo kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Advertising with the aim of getting attention is sort of counterindicated here in Palasokeri isn't it?

    EsaJii kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    It's just that the material is in English. My blogs here are in Finnish. You can discuss the topic independent of the blog.

    Terry Pratchett
    Douglas Adams
    Kurt Vonnegut

    Those are currently not discussed in the blog.

    I make no financial gain with blogs. Nobody reads them.

    It's not like I am Jazzis Web Shop or something. :roll:

    Jammo kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Maybe we can start a section where everybody is recommended to use the English language or make some gain of the use/rehearsing of it globalization being THE magic word nowadays...

    Janus kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Maybe we can start a section where everybody is recommended to use the English language or make some gain of the use/rehearsing of it globalization being THE magic word nowadays...

    This thread is already in the "International" section.

    Jammo kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Oh, sorry! :oops:

    EsaJii kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    [Kun tuli niin paljon turhaa syyttelyä ekasta blogista, postaan toisen osan tänne suoraan sitten.]

    I will have to do Vonnegut another time. But let us say a word about literary criticism. The Notes (you know the two study notes outfits I am sure) on Slaughterhouse Five interpreted the main character going insane when he gets unhitched in time. What is their problem! Go with the fantasy, assume you are trying to be a normal person but got unstuck from time and got visited by aliens. It is a story! This is not supposed to be realism, no matter how real the war scenes are.

    Now, Gogol wrote wonderful short stories in St. Peterburg in the early 1800s, and also abroad. Not all have fantasy. They are very realistic in detail. He gets hold of a character and in a few masterful strokes you are right there in the street with them.

    In The Nose, Major Kovalev loses his nose. Not only that, the nose goes around acting likea person, and nobody takes note of the fact that he is just a nose. The Major is suffering from his plain smooth spot on his face, however. At some point he is offered some snuff and takes offense. “I can’t even look at it now, especially not at your cheap Berezinsky brand.” The absurdity of the refusal is typical of Gogol. In Overcoat, near the end of a story a ghost is harrassing pedestrians at night. Orders are given to catch the ghost “dead or alive”.

    In Viy, Gogol summarizes folk beliefs about witches in the Ukraine very well. I have to think of other examples. Maybe The Portrait, have to reread it.

    MissLemon kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Don´t forget Bulgakov´s masterpiece The Master and Margarita.

    EsaJii kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    A bit out of my period, as I generally read 1800s stuff and then modern. But sounds interesting

    in Finnish

    I have all these books in English. Vonnegut..why would I read him in Finnish? But of Gogol, I have Reviisori in Finnish.In school we read Päällysviitta. Finnish is in fact very suitable for these Russians, I think.

    EsaJii kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    A short addition to the Gogol bit

    In Viy, Gogol summarizes folk beliefs about witches in the Ukraine very well. In The Portrait, a painting with very realistic eyes comes alive in an Edgar Allen Poe type of story. The young artist has nightmares, but in them "there had been some terrible fragment of reality." Gogol was not too concerned with plots or even borrowing them, but this story is a bit thin on his usually colorful minor characters.

    I am rereading several of the short stories. My favorites are often the ones with least fantasy, he was actually better at humor and the failings of human nature.

    k.p.tikka-ri kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Russians and surrealism... I think it was in the 70s one intellectuel from Piter said about mind expanding & Russians: In The West people have to take dope to meet trancendential worlds, here in Russia it´s enough just to open the front door & step out to the street.....
    Try f.ex. Venedikt Erofejev´s fantastic Moscow-Petushki or Marienkoff´s Cynics.....

    EsaJii kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    Found it, slightly different title in English

    EsaJii kirjoitti noin 17 vuotta sitten+/- saldo : 0
    I was shopping for books. Actually I needed a book by Konrad Lorentz. To get free shipping, ordered some Russian short stories. They seem to be mainly 1800s, but 17 authors may cover a few modern ones.

    Jos jotakuta kiinnostaa, alkakaa uusi ketju, Venäjän kirjallisuus. Suomeksi.

    We should get on, at least to some English authors now. Since I started the thread in English.

    Last Vonnegut I read was his war book, the new one. Not his best of course. A few good bits.

    Before that I read Slapstick. This is the futuristic book, after the end of the USA. It has a King of Michigan etc. The main character is the last president.

    One of my favorites after Cat's Cradle. You know, with Ice 9.