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Morrissey : You Are The Quarry 26.05.2004 13:30 by west
Morrissey : You Are The Quarry 25.05.2004 19:27 by west
: 25.05.2004 01:10 by west
: 24.05.2004 21:52 by west
Zacharius Carls Group : One more second chance 24.05.2004 21:38 by west
Morrissey : You Are The Quarry 22.05.2004 14:16 by west
Magyar Posse : Kings of Time 16.03.2004 21:25 by west
Bob Dylan : Blonde On Blonde 29.01.2004 21:25 by west
Interpol : Turn on the Bright Lights 28.01.2004 17:20 by west
Kuusumun Profeetta : Jatkuvasti maailmaa pelastamaan kyllästynyt supersankari 28.01.2004 14:05 by west
The Rapture : Echoes 28.01.2004 12:39 by west
British Sea Power : The Decline Of British Sea Power 27.01.2004 22:55 by west
Limonadi Elohopea : Halaus 27.01.2004 22:14 by west
Air : Talkie Walkie 27.01.2004 21:22 by west